(Mature Size: 15"T x 35"W)
- Hosta 'White Christmas' has almost pure white leaves with dark green margins that often jet toward the midrib.
- There is a lighter green color that streaks in between the margin and leaf center.
- Due to the primarily white leaf, H. 'White Christmas' hosta need long periods of good sunlight during the day to thrive.
- Site this hosta in good fertile soil with adequate moisture. Bright morning sun is ideal.
- If this hosta is not sited correctly it will not survive.
- Pale lavender flowers are produced in midsummer.
Why Should I Grow It? You're a collector and need them all!
(G. Krossa/Palmer/P. Ruh 1999)
Medium Hosta Cultivar
Color: White and Dark Green
Size: 15 inches tall by 35 inches wide
Type: Sun Tolerant Hosta
Product Size: 4.5 Inch Container